It's Our 1st Birthday!

WOW! All these Fictional Affairs in a single year!

When we started I'd So Rather Be Reading, we didn't know a thing about blogging.  We had never heard of ARCs, we never expected to get books for free, or to get books early.  All we wanted was to meet other readers and talk about books (and our book boyfriends)!  

We've had so much fun this past year.  We have made some great blogging friends and had lots of fun in the blogging world.  There are amazing readers around the world and we are so happy to have joined your literary world! And you can bet we will continue to attend as many book signing events as we can...and BEA 2012 look out our babies will be toddlers!

We'd like to thank our followers for reading our blog and caring about what we have to say (keep ALL the comments coming, we read every single one). 

Thank you to the authors who have supported us and asked for book reviews---we are honored by each and every request.  Thank you to the publishers who have sent us books for review.  Every time we get a book in the mail, it's like Christmas morning for us.

Thank you all and we look forward to our next year!


  1. Happy 1 year blogoversary!!! :)

  2. Happy blogoversary! Here's to many more.

  3. Happy Blogoversary! I hope you ladies are doing well. :)

  4. Happy Blogoversary Nat & Kelli!!! I'm glad we met and became friends. I really enjoy our chats :)

  5. Happy Blogoversary girls!!

  6. Congratulations! Happy birthday to your lovely blog! xx

  7. Happy 1 year blogoversary! I remember my first year, I was blown away by the same things. Now I'm in ARC overload. LOL!

  8. Happy Blogoversary!

    ARCs are a wonderful thing aren't they - especially when they are not the goal!

    Happy reading!

  9. YAY!!! HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH! You ladies rock, huge virtual hugs to you:)

  10. Oh, Happy Blogoversary! I'd So Rather Be Reading is such a great part of the book blogosphere. Here's hoping you'll be around for many years to come :)

  11. You're one!!!!! Awesome job girls, awesome job.

  12. Happy Blog B DAY!

    It gets better every year :)


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