Guest Post: Author Jennifer Brown-Thomas (Blissful Lies)

Today, as part of the Blissful Lies blog tour, we're happy to have author Jennifer Brown-Thomas guest posting about where she finds inspiration for her writing.  Welcome to I'd So Rather Be Reading, Jennifer!   

  Finding inspiration for writing is very easy for me. I’m one of those people who tend to be very dramatic and creative, so any situation creates the opportunity to derive inspiration from it. For example, I was rocking my daughter to sleep one evening and her closet door was cracked just a bit to let a small gleam of light through the door. My dog stood up and kind of nudged the closet door and then lay back down at my feet as I continued rocking. From that I created an entire scene where the dog nudged open the door, but a perpetrator was hiding inside and all the lead character could hear echo through the room was the sound of a gun being cocked. From there it all escalated into a battle of good vs. evil, but you can see how my brain operates. I can witness, hear about, think I heard about, or even dream I saw something and from there I can create a whole new world of bridging the gaps between fantasy and reality. It’s one of the many perks of my job.

    So far I’ve never hit a lack of inspiration or “writers block” as some people call it. I choose not to associate myself with those types of negative terms. Sometimes I need a small break and I go see a movie or have a lunch date, and when I return, my mind is clear and my creative juices are raging again. I’m fortunate enough to have found inspiration in every day activities and from those I’ve created outlines of stories just waiting to be told. I have plans for six more novels after the release of my upcoming novel, Vindictive Grounds and look forward to sharing each and every one of them with you.

    Thanks so much! I look forward to reading all your posts!
Want to know more?  Here's the summary for Blissful Lies:

Things are often not what they seem in the decadent lifestyles of the rich and famous. Life can be messy and at times people do what feels wrong, because in the end it may turn out to be the best decision ever made. A close bond between 5 lifelong friends, now of college age, find the limits of their relationships are tested when multiple secrets and lies begin to surface, which ultimately leave them wondering if it is all too much to move forward as the family they once were. Forbidden love, drug dealing, date rape, betrayal, cheating, and more begin to unravel the strong ties between friends. Can they overcome secrets which warrant a very difficult life altering response?

And now, for the giveaway!  Tribute Books, the publisher of Blissful Lies, is offering a giveaway of: five paperback copies of Blissful Lies, five t-shirts, a mug, a calendar, and a canvas bag.  The grand prize winner wins a trip to the Vindictive Grounds movie set!  Click here to enter.


  1. O awesome. I love her imagination. I need to check on the eBook price.

    1. Great to hear from you Juju! I love your site and I'm enjoying reviewing some of the posts. Hope you're having a fabulous Monday.

  2. Thanks so much for your time. I love your blog and love hearing from your readers. Xoxo!

  3. Great start of the "Blissful Lies" blog tour and I loved reading about the things that inspire you! I am also very excited to hear that you have 6 more stories basically ready to delight us with. I will greedily consume every single one of them.

    One thing would be very important to me: make sure that all the covers will be as beautiful & interesting as the first one, I like it when books look good on my book shelf. Yes, it mainly is about a great storyline and realistic characters, but after all I am a girl and I want my books to look pretty. ;o)

    1. Thanks Bea! You're so sweet and such a supportive Blissful Diva. Of course there are lots of stories bouncing around in my head... You'll love them all! And yes, I will certainly make sure the covers are up to Diva standards. Xoxo!

  4. Kelli, thanks for allowing Jennifer to stop by :)

    1. My pleasure!! Natalie and I are honored to have Jennifer and Tribute books here at I'd So Rather Be Reading!

  5. This is by far the BEST giveaway for our readers!

    1. I hope they are enjoying the novel and entering the giveaways! Love hearing from everyone! Follow me on twitter @jennythomas10 and on facebook! Xoxo!

  6. Omg! I sooo need to win this!!

    1. Abby, great to hear from you! If you could win any of the items... which would be your pick?

  7. Well, you can never have to many books, so I'd love to win a book! But I'd be delighted to win any of the other prizes too! It would make my day!

  8. Perfect! So great to hear from you and I look forward to chatting with you some more. Xoxo.

  9. The cover and summary make me feel like it'd be a grown-up version of *Pretty Little Liars*.

  10. Thanks so much for having me! Love hearing from the readers and seeing the posts!


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