
Lydia's certain she will be that winner, and not just because she knows Felix wants her on an unprofessional level. She's never anything but good to herself, so how could she not win? Fancy drinks with extra whipped cream, the cheesecake she adores, the exquisite but pricey purse she's been craving? With the help of her nice-guy buddy and coworker Percy, she'll just indulge herself even more and make sure her fans do the same. In a month both the job and her long-desired fling with Felix will be hers.
It'll be the easiest four weeks of her life.
Unless it turns out there's more to self-care than sex and shopping and sugar.
Release Date: December 9, 2012
Age Group: Adult
Source: Review copy from author
Good to Myself is the tenth book in Wardell's Toronto series. Taken from the author's website (
I was so happy to read Good to Myself just after the New Year. It was a great time to read a book about making better choices for yourself! The choices Lydia makes for her life gave me the motivation to make some better personal choices (like cutting back on sugar) and, like Lydia, inspired me to try hot tea instead of a sugary latte!
I enjoyed this book a lot; although I did have trouble identifying with some aspects of Lydia's personality, there were many things about her that really resonated with me. I especially liked that she was an Internet columnist, as many of her work concerns were similar to my blogging issues.
I loved the conflict resolution and the way the story ended. It was a perfect ending, emotional without being too sappy. I also am quite interested in the next book in the series, which is Larissa's story. I've always wondered about Larissa and look forward to reading more about her.
If you haven't read Heather Wardell yet, I highly recommend her work. Her first novel (and one of my favorites) is free on her website. Get it here.
Good to Myself is the tenth book in Wardell's Toronto series. Taken from the author's website (
While these books don't form a strict series, they are all set in the same area of Toronto and some of the earlier books' characters and locations do make appearances in later books. I don't think you'd completely spoil your reading experience by picking them up out of order, but you would definitely find spoilers of how the earlier books end!I've loved each and every book in the Toronto series and recommend them all. I always have to make sure that I have several hours to sit and read once I start one of Wardell's books, because I have to read them in one to two sittings. They are just that good! So, it was with great excitement that I started Good to Myself.
I was so happy to read Good to Myself just after the New Year. It was a great time to read a book about making better choices for yourself! The choices Lydia makes for her life gave me the motivation to make some better personal choices (like cutting back on sugar) and, like Lydia, inspired me to try hot tea instead of a sugary latte!
I enjoyed this book a lot; although I did have trouble identifying with some aspects of Lydia's personality, there were many things about her that really resonated with me. I especially liked that she was an Internet columnist, as many of her work concerns were similar to my blogging issues.
I loved the conflict resolution and the way the story ended. It was a perfect ending, emotional without being too sappy. I also am quite interested in the next book in the series, which is Larissa's story. I've always wondered about Larissa and look forward to reading more about her.
If you haven't read Heather Wardell yet, I highly recommend her work. Her first novel (and one of my favorites) is free on her website. Get it here.
I love the simplicity of the cover.