Kaelyn and Me
often asked whether I base my characters on real people, and which
characters I see myself in the most. The truth is that there's a little
of me in all of my characters, especially my protagonists, but Kaelyn
from the Fallen World trilogy is by far the closest. When I was writing
her story, I often felt as though I was channeling my teenage self. Just
how alike are we?
and social awkwardness. I was never overwhelmed in the big city the way
Kaelyn has been, because I grew up in Toronto. But both Kaelyn and I
had trouble figuring out where we fit in among our peers, and often
found it hard to navigate the complicated social politics of high
school. I spent many an hour trying to puzzle out what a random comment
might have meant, why someone might have been friendly one day and not
so much the next, and how to express a crush on a particular guy.

through writing. Kaelyn's not a novelist, but she does keep quite a
thorough journal, as did I when I was in my teens. Thankfully I never
had anything catastrophic to report in mine, so it was mostly devoted to
analyzing boy behavior and recounting the fairly normal joys and
set-backs of teenage life. You can even read some of my teenage journal
entries (and see how much you think my thoughts sound like Kaelyn's) in
the Flashback entires on my blog: http://www.megancrewe.com/ blog/?page_id=242

More About Megan:
Like many authors, Megan Crewe finds writing about
herself much more difficult than making things up. A few definite facts:
she lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and two cats (and does on
occasion say "eh"), she tutors children and teens with special needs,
and--thankfully--the worst virus she's caught so far is the
garden-variety flu.
Megan Crewe on the Web:
Fun post! I like the topic.