A Teen Voice for ISRBR: Introducing Maryn, Teen Reviewer

I am SuPeR eXcItEd to introduce you to my new teen blogger, Maryn! I have been on the lookout for a teen reviewer since Maddie B had to go and grow up on me... dang girl. 

Maryn is an avid, non-discriminatory, teen reader......... do you have any idea how hard it is to find a teen with this skill set?! It's hard, really hard. One day I noticed that she always had a book in-hand, I took note. So, I began to test the teens' Jedi skills. You know, questions like: So, did you see the last Haunting Hour? What did you think of MockingJay? And the winner, What won't you read? "I'll read anything, even if I don't really like it. I just have to finish."

She will be the teen voice for ISRBR. And when you think of her literal voice I want you to think peppy meets Southern charm, it's super cute and full of enthusiasm.  Maryn will be reviewing YA & MG books. Her favorite genre's include: dystopian, mystery, fantasy and paranormal {she seriously should have been my kid}. And her favorite series is The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. She feels for Meyer what I feel for Stine. #patientlywaitingforthecall

Welcome to I'd So Rather Be Reading, Maryn!

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