Hi my name is Natalie but my friends call me Nat. If you are reading this then I'll assume you're a book nerd like me and therefore an instant friend, so call me Nat. I created ISRBR in 2010 on a whim. One night (about 3am because that's when you get the best ideas) I found this awesome website, Goodreads, and discovered that a few people were blogging about books and I thought, "hey, they want to be my friends". So I decided I would build a blog and take over the world. I lowered my standards and just decided to start a blog. I didn't have a name, only an idea. So I went to work the next morning bright-eyed and bushy tailed and plead my case to my friend, outlining this great new idea. There were two problems:
- I needed a name.
- I didn't want to be the actual reviewer, I just wanted to build it and join the party.
We came up with a name that day and I convinced my friend, Kelli, to review books while I started creating the site. {I should mention that I had never "built" a website before, that came after many late night bright ideas.} And the rest is history, welcome to I'd So Rather Be Reading!
QUICK FACTS: I am the mother of 3 spitfires
that rule most of my time. I’ve been a university instructor for the last 10
years and I am a dietitian-nutritionist in my spare
time. #insertdiabolicallaugh
I'm the kid that ALWAYS got excessive talking on her report card. I never meet a stranger – it’s a curse. I like to stay busy, like the borderline neurotic kind of busy. I always choose the color PINK. I have referred to my husband as Sweet Stuff since our second date and I still think he’s super-hot.
The only New Year’s Resolution I have ever kept was from when I was 17 and pledged to never watch another rated R movie - and I haven’t. I am a #hashtag #lover #idoitalot #sometimestoomuch #sorrynotsorry
SIDE NOTE: You might notice The Nat on images. I like to add them here and there as my mark. One of my favorite books to read my kids at Christmas is Snowmen at Christmas by Caralyn Buehner. It's so fun and entertaining and we love to look for all the little hidden pictures as we read, plus it keeps the wiggly kids still because they are focused. Again, late one night, I was working on my nutrition blog {Nutrition with Nat} and thought "HEY! I can hide these suckers on anything I publish". So I decided to hide Little Nat's throughout posts. Why? Because I'm weird, I thought it would be fun and it reminded me of that Christmas book!
I'm the kid that ALWAYS got excessive talking on her report card. I never meet a stranger – it’s a curse. I like to stay busy, like the borderline neurotic kind of busy. I always choose the color PINK. I have referred to my husband as Sweet Stuff since our second date and I still think he’s super-hot.
The only New Year’s Resolution I have ever kept was from when I was 17 and pledged to never watch another rated R movie - and I haven’t. I am a #hashtag #lover #idoitalot #sometimestoomuch #sorrynotsorry

Sometimes I get a lot of book requests at one time or I get books that sound fantastic but might not be in the genre that I love. I hate to discriminate any novel and try my hardest to give a review by the best audience in the event it doesn't meet my fancy. So, I have a few hand-picked guest reviewers that have specific interests and serve as my "go to" friends when I need help.

📖 Meet Maryn, our teen reviewer!!! 📚 Here
are some fun facts about our upcoming freshman: Maryn is a
sucker for a good love story, a fairytale re-telling and she really
loves a strong female heroine. She couldn't choose a favorite book but
she has two series that she re-reads often, Anne of Green Gables by LM
Montgomery & The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (they are really
more of a bad habit because Maryn immediately falls back into them
between reviews and has to be torn away and refocused 😆). They only
thing that Maryn isn't crazy about are pirates, they just have no
appeal. Fun fact: her school mascot is a pirate. #argh
When Maryn doesn't have her nose deep in a good book she enjoys running
track, soccer, singing and dabbles in piano. She's so bubbly, cute and
literally gets the giggles when new books arrive. Her future goal is to
one day be a book publicist. 💯 Maryn reviews pretty much anything
thrown her way & can't quit a book even if it's terrible because she
feels bad about leaving a story unfinished. Watch for her reviews &
#bookstagrams! 📚
Ms. Leger from Leger's Ledger, is a middle school teacher deep in the heart of Texas. Her reading interests are middle-grade, historical fiction and non-fiction. She loves a good plot chart and makes class reading an interesting and fun event. It is not uncommon to walk into her room and see kids with flashlights reading a spooky tale or in full costume, acting out The Island of Dr. Moreau. Ms. Leger always has a classroom stocked with books and never denies a child a book. Macy Kate is one of her former students and they still enjoy talking about the latest and greatest book news.
The Boys are my two little men that review most of the children's books with me. One is very shy and has no plans of making his big debut via vlog reviews, he just relays to me if the book was "good or not" 😆. The other little guy is in costume 95% of the time and lives by the mantra "You be YOU and I'll be ME". He is an eccentric 1st grader and once his speech improves he will make his vlog debut!
The Mob should more appropriately be called The Jr. Breakfast Club but it consists of six Middle Grade Hooligans {Macy Kate falls into this category too}. When I am feeling brave I venture out with this crowd for book to movie reviews. I also reference them for middle grade series.
The Boys are my two little men that review most of the children's books with me. One is very shy and has no plans of making his big debut via vlog reviews, he just relays to me if the book was "good or not" 😆. The other little guy is in costume 95% of the time and lives by the mantra "You be YOU and I'll be ME". He is an eccentric 1st grader and once his speech improves he will make his vlog debut!
The Mob should more appropriately be called The Jr. Breakfast Club but it consists of six Middle Grade Hooligans {Macy Kate falls into this category too}. When I am feeling brave I venture out with this crowd for book to movie reviews. I also reference them for middle grade series.
Updated 1.25.17